B-Classic - 05.05.2024 Elfurenmis with Timo Tembuyser & Hind Fraihi


zo 5 mei 2024
11:00 (CET)
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de Velinx
Dijk 111
3700 Tongeren


Basic price: €16.00
Friend of de Velinx: €12.00

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In 2024, our place of worship will receive a refreshing musical boost! Three adventurous musicians are joining to accompany our soloists, speakers, and dedicated followers of the Eleventh Hour during the monthly Elfurenmis. Starting from February, percussionist Bert Peyffers (known from Ão and Wamaki’s), bassist Louise van den Heuvel (of Sonic Hug and Dishwasher), and pianist Andy Willems will let their harmony resonate in the Velinx.

Timo Tembuyser is a versatile theater maker, singer, composer, and performer rooted in Ninove and Aalst. With a background in architecture, theater, and music, he creates space(s) for honest listening by working with ensembles of voices. His polyphonic compositions harmoniously weave together different voices and attitudes, colliding and finding each other in a kaleidoscope of sounds, from c to C ° pH O N y to (silence)... and everything in between. His recent work, "Missa Mater Sola" (2022), a danced choir ritual about the mother archetype, was nominated for the BNG Bank Theater Prize at the Dutch Theater Festival 2022 and is currently on tour. Timo's deep-rooted desire to connect stems from his personal experiences, as a child of divorced parents and as a queer individual in a Catholic school. As an eternal nomad, he has explored different worlds, from Greece and Portugal to the Peruvian Amazon, where he was initiated into Shamanism and plant medicine by the Shipibo tribe. After obtaining a Bachelor's & Master's in Architecture & Urban Planning at Ghent University (2014), Timo completed his training as an Actor & Theater Maker at the Toneelacademie in Maastricht (2019). In his ongoing quest for integration and connection, he started the Master of Music Program at Fontys, Tilburg (2024), focusing on Music Theater & Vocal Performance. Timo's intention is to reunite and integrate his diverse experiences into his art, drawing from music, theater, architecture, and spirituality.

Hind Fraihi is an investigative journalist, columnist, and author. She gained recognition with her book "Undercover in Little Morocco," in which she documented the rise of jihad in Molenbeek as early as 2005. This spurred further journalistic undercover operations. She worked for the BBC and investigated the presence of both right-wing and Islamic extremism in Europe in the documentary "Radicals Rising." Fraihi also participated in a research project supported by NATO on women and jihadism. In 2017, she became the first writer in residence for the arts institution Vooruit in Ghent. In 2021, she co-authored the book "Behind the Shield of the Extreme Right" with photographer Bas Bogaerts. Her particular interest lies in various forms of extremism, polarization, and diversity.


Bert Peyffers, better known as "Bert Skunk," is a talented Belgian percussionist who fell in love with the cajon at the age of 13. His skill and passion took him to the semi-finals of Belgium's Got Talent, where he shone as a solo artist. As a freelance percussionist and studio musician, he strongly believes in the connecting power of music. Bert is not only the founder of the 12-member musical collective Wamaki's but also currently tours Europe with the bands Ão & Vermin Twins.

The young Dutch bassist Louise van den Heuvel is on an unstoppable rise. This led to a carte blanche that she seized to bring together a completely new quartet, Sonic Hug, with young musicians who are currently making their mark on Belgian jazz.
With Dishwasher_ (winner of Jong Jazztalent Gent), van den Heuvel found herself at the forefront of a new generation of talents combining jazz playfully with other genres. She also made a big impression with Zwangere Guy and Lander Gyselinck and played with renowned artists like Bruno Vansina, Stéphane Galland, and Teun Verbruggen.

Pianist Andy Willems embraces an unlimited love for music, refusing to be confined to a specific genre. After his classical conservatory training under Alan Weiss, he obtained a second diploma as a jazz pianist at the Lemmensinstituut in Leuven. Andy feels equally at home in classical ensembles as on pop stages and jazz festivals. His versatile approach to music takes him wherever his passion leads him.


The Elfurenmis (‘Eleven o’clock mass’) is a concept developed by De VELINX and B-Classic in which classical music in the broadest sense of the word meets the ultimate lecture – a sermon. The backing band will be joined by a celebrated ...

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